Influence 101:
Liberating your Desire and the Power to Ask

Unconventional tools. Life-changing results.

With over 60 videos and 30 practical assignments, Influence 101 is the first and only online course that redefines a woman’s relationship to power, asking and hearing no.

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Influence 101 is the starting point for all study at The Academy.


What is the first hurdle women stumble on in the journey towards greater influence and power?

I know exactly the spot. 

I have seen it in every class I have ever taught; in every course, workshop or training I have ever attended.

Whilst watching hundreds and hundreds of women begin a personal journey towards a new kind of freedom, whether in their finances, bodies, sexuality...I’ve noticed they always drop out of the course in the same spot. 

  • The Money course ends the moment they have to ask for something that’s theirs to have but are afraid.

  • The Sexuality course ends the moment they step out of the classroom and into the bedroom and have to ask for something they want. 

  • The Nutrition course ends the moment when something doesn’t sit right with them, but they can’t ask for a clarification.  

  • The Yoga course ends the moment they suffer an injury because the same series of movements didn’t feel good but they couldn’t ask for an adjustment.

The greatest obstacle that comes between a woman and the things she most wants in life is the prohibition against desire and asking.

Why? How did this begin?

We tend to forget that for millennia, in order for a woman to even survive in society, an entire set of 'Good Girl' behaviors was necessary: accommodation, harmonization, pretending you’re low-maintenance in order to be marriageable.

A Good Girl has no outrageous desires. She makes no big asks. She is perfectly and expertly trained to maintain the status quo, without ruffling a single feather.

Left to run on autopilot, this Good Girl conditioning will convince you of 101 reasons why you can't ask, why you don't deserve what you want to ask for, and why it's better and more convenient for everyone for you to just go it alone.

But going it alone is not power, it is avoidance masked in romanticized individualism. You can’t be powerful in isolation. 

Because power is relational. You are powerful when you have powerful relationships where what you give is valued and what you receive is exactly what you want.

In order to receive, we have to ask. 

In order to ask, we have to break the prohibition against asking.

This course contains the first and most important steps towards power and influence in your world and in the world: being able to identify a desire and ask for it, then handle no or resistance with grace.

Influence 101 is the starting point for all study at The Academy.

When a woman breaks out of Good Girl Jail to voice her desire; can make powerful asks to step into leadership and create support, and receive the basic inoculation against ‘No’, she is well on her way to unstoppable influence in whatever field she chooses. 

This is why this course exists. It makes every other transformation possible. 

I hope you join us,

Kasia Urbaniak



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Is this course right for me?

  • Do you struggle to influence those around you and find yourself falling into the same pattern of conflict every time?

  • Do you ever feel like you’re constantly playing defense, batting away one thing you don't want after another in a seemingly endless stream of obstacles, letdowns and unwanted behaviors from others?

  • Are you proud to be a so-called Independent Woman, but also exhausted, resentful as hell and tired of having to get everything all by yourself?

  • Or, when you do decide to ask someone for something, do you talk yourself out of it in case the ask puts you in debt or in a position of weakness with the other person?

  • Do you fear that hearing ‘No’ to a request that’s important to you will destroy you – so you don’t ask?

  • Do you want to to learn the skills that will redefine your relationship to power and equip you to deeply influence at a whole new level?

If so, this course is for you. 


In this course, you'll learn. . .

The Good Girl isn’t supposed to ask. By asking, we break free of Good Girl Jail.

The Good Girl isn’t supposed to ask. By asking, we break free of Good Girl Jail.

  • What asking has to do with influence (hint: everything) and how to become one of those women who can ask freely, in a full-bodied way, and make compelling invitations that win her respect and support.

  • What Good Girl Conditioning is, the extent to which it may be stopping you from exercising your innate agency and influence and how to break yourself out of Good Girl  Jail.

  • How to coax out true desires that Good Girl Conditioning works to keep hidden from you, and ground them in legitimacy so you can prepare to make difficult or status-quo-shifting asks.

  • Over 30 practical tools, techniques and strategies for expanding your imagination around asking, hearing Yes or No, and preparing to invite, influence and receive authentic and effective ways.



The Curriculum

Module One – The Power of Asking

When we at the Academy refer to The Asking Practice, we are summoning one of our most powerful tools – one that goes far beyond making a request. In Module One, we will be using The Asking Practice to unpack the ways in which Good Girl Conditioning affects your relationship to asking and desire, and thus influence, by making its sneaky and invisible assumptions visible. 

Module Two – The World of Yes

One of the first places the Patriarchy rears its head to restrict women's freedom is in the imagination. In this module, you will be exploring the World of Yes: reclaiming your right to imagine and enjoy the hell out of Yes territory with no real-world consequences. The reclamation of Imagination and Legitimacy are the gateways to connecting with what you deeply want with total self-celebration and no self-attack – and must be in place before making an ask itself. 

Module Three – The World of No

We love the World of Yes. But what if No is a more fruitful territory? Too many women are terrified of no because they never put themselves in a position to hear it—they don’t ask. Which also means they don’t hear yes as often as they should, either. In this module, you will learn practical tools for how to become inoculated against no, so that if and when it does come, you can stay in your power and connected to your desire. Using these skills, No becomes the beginning of a conversation, not the end of one.


Watch Kasia introduce the Influence 101 course


Influence 101 will teach you how to…

Ask outrageously.

Play powerfully.

Lead persuasively.

And build your world from your desire.

How Do I Sign Up?


One-time Payment: $394
Monthly Payments: $197 x 2


Student Testimonials

I’ve since started asking for more in my life. Not because I consciously planned to, but I suppose because thanks to the material I was practicing in my imagination, and it somehow became more natural to ask in real life.

The course itself is really fun: using play and imagination made me feel safe while simultaneously taking risks. I felt afraid initially, but the way that it was structured and sequenced was paced really well for me to move past my fears one step at a time.

I didn’t expect that such simple exercises could affect me in such a profound way
— B.
I signed up for Influence 101 because I became aware that not asking for much and over delivering had taken a toll on my life.

Now, I’m quicker at noticing when I start bargaining myself down, and I have altered my relationship to no. It’s massively powerful to have a choice rather than to react instinctively.
— D.
This is an excellent class that I will revisit again in order to go deeper
— M.


Frequently Asked Questions

Is Influence 101 only for women?

The prohibition against desire and asking affects people of all genders. While this course was created specifically to help women retrain the Good Girl conditioning that keeps them from asking and wielding influence, the skills covered in this course can be used by people of any gender, of any age, in a multitude of situations.

Do I need to take Influence 101 at a specific time?

Nope! This class is delivered asynchronously, which means you can start it whenever you want, at your own pace. You have lifetime access and we encourage you to return to the content whenever you are facing a new situation in your life where imagination and influence are called for.

Will there be any in-person class sessions?
No. All class videos are available immediately once the course goes live on September 1st.

Should I wait to take an in-person course instead of purchasing this one?

Influence 101 is the starting point for all study at The Academy. We strongly recommend that all students take this course as a primer in order to get the most out of Kasia’s in-person classes.

What we have seen time and time again, is that students who have mastered the foundational principles of Influence 101 – The Asking Practice and Hearing No – integrate the material of other classes faster, easier and share more victories.

Who can I practice the assignments with?

We strongly encourage all our students to share these techniques far and wide! We even suggest taking the course live with a group, so you can be inspired by each other’s victories and cheer one another on.  

How long should it take me to complete the course?

The full course lasts about 5 hours.  You’ll have lifetime access to Influence 101, so you can feel free to break up the modules according to your schedule, and repeat videos until the skills become second nature. 

What equipment do I need to access the course?

This course is 100% online and you can access the course materials from a laptop, tablet or mobile device. Because this is a video-based course, you will need an internet speed of at least 1.5 Mbps to stream the videos. Dial-up or satellite internet may slow down access to the materials.

Can I teach these tools to my friends? 

Please, please, talk to your friends about these tools. Our deepest desire is to have as many people as possible learn how to overcome the prohibition against desire and asking in order to have unshakable legitimacy and unstoppable influence in the world. 

Cool! So can I share my login info with friends?

We’ve put a lot of time, thought and care into the Influence 101 course, and we’re charging for it because we believe it has value for life. We ask that you respect the effort that went into the course and do not share it without permission.

What if I still have questions?

Send us an email using the form below and someone from our team will be in touch shortly.